Luke Covert is an award winning feature film director & video producer who has been working with clients professionally for over a decade.

Without sugar coating it too much, my passion is to see businesses not only make a “brand video” or a “commercial”, but to see results from the dollars they invest. I’m a storyteller at heart, and I’ve spent years figuring out how to craft beautiful images, but the truth is this: if you make a compelling story and nobody sees it, then your business doesn’t benefit and you shouldn’t have spent the money. Over the years, I’ve worked with agencies, alongside non-profits, and supported internal marketing directors.

What you should do next:

  1. Think about what has worked in the past (and what has failed).

  2. Be honest about where you're at. What would happen if you stayed with your current status quo?

  3. Talk to an expert who has your best interests at heart.

Hope to talk soon,

Luke Covert

A recent client result for “Big Joe”:

.gif mockup of ads in use on social media

YWCA of Greater Harrisburg